Goederenvervoer per spoor leidt tot optimale ontwikkelkansen
The port is located on three important TEN-T corridors:
- North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor
- North Sea-Baltic Corridor
- Rhine-Alpine Corridor
The Port of Moerdijk wants to continue to match the rail facilities of the port and industrial complex with the demand from the market, in order to continue to grow.
State of the art railterminal
The rail terminal was renovated in 2021 in collaboration with Combined Cargo Terminals (CCT) Moerdijk. The European Commission provided a subsidy for this from the infrastructure fund CEF-Transport (Connecting Europe Facility for Transport).

Suitable for trains up to 740m

Automatic safety system

Advanced warning system
News on rail transport
Rail transport is one of the five modalities that Port of Moerdijk has at its disposal. Read the latest news here (Dutch only, please use your browser translation).
Other modalities
In Port of Moerdijk everything comes together. Via short sea, inland shipping, rail, road and pipelines.