Port of Moerdijk is the second container port in the Netherlands and the fourth seaport of national importance.
Strategically located between Antwerp and Rotterdam, Port of Moerdijk scores low on congestion and high on sustainability. Four modes of transport are possible: via water (sea and inland shipping), rail, road and pipelines. This offers companies that ship via Moerdijk great flexibility. Moreover: value added logistics has optimal growth opportunities here.

Plan your route with Routescanner
Routescanner helps you find an efficient and sustainable route for your freight. All direct connections for sea shipping, inland shipping and rail to and from Port of Moerdijk can be found here very quickly.
Why via Port of Moerdijk?
Port of Moerdijk is the most inland seaport in the Netherlands and has plenty of freedom of choice for transhipment to inland shipping, rail freight transport or road transport. Pipeline transport of products and gases is also possible. There has traditionally been a strong industrial cluster for, among other things, chemicals, recycling and energy. In addition, the port has grown into an international hotspot for logistics with large-scale warehousing, value addition and distribution. In a safe, innovative and decisive environment, Port of Moerdijk scores low on congestion and high on sustainability.

Jaarlijks 16,5 miljoen ton overslag via water

Grootschalige mogelijkheden

Europese buitengrens