Vitality scheme for the region
As a good neighbour, we like to contribute to the quality and vitality of our environment. Through the Vitality Scheme, a percentage of the port authority's results are therefore made available every year for projects in the city and village centers of the municipality of Moerdijk and in nearby Strijen, Strijensas and Lage Zwaluwe. A maximum of €150,000 is available annually to distribute across various projects.
Organisations can apply for a contribution from the Vitality Scheme up to a maximum of € 25,000 per project. Applications must be submitted at least two months before the implementation of the project and must meet certain criteria.

Contribution to a livable environment
Projects contribute to education, culture, nature or social cohesion, are not for profit and have a public character.
The Vitality Scheme is not intended for (structural) contributions to the regular operation of organisations or projects. In that sense it is not intended for sponsorship. If the project is eligible for a subsidy, it is not also eligible for a contribution from the Vitality Scheme. The Vitality Scheme supports initiatives unless they are completely dependent on the scheme.
Download and complete the digitally fillable application form (in Dutch) and add any additional documentation and send it to us
- by email: portoffice@portofmoerdijk.nl, or
- by post: Port of Moerdijk Vitality scheme, PO Box 17, 4789AA Moerdijk.
You will receive a message within two months whether your project is eligible.