Port of Moerdijk adds value to society. The port authority provides jobs, economic growth and vitality for the region. Some port activities put pressure on the environment. The port authority wants to maintain the balance between people, planet and profit, by being a job engine, but also a good neighbor.
In balance with the environment
The Port of Moerdijk authority takes its role in the community seriously and understands that we need each other. Growth of the port site will therefore always go hand in hand with investments in the area. The port authority actively seeks to speak with local residents and other stakeholders. We remain committed to including the environment in all developments.

Regional vitilaty scheme
As a good neighbor, we like to contribute to the quality and vitality of our environment. Through the Moerdijk Port Authority's Vitality Scheme, a percentage of the port authority's results are therefore made available every year for projects in the city and village centers of the municipality of Moerdijk and Strijen, Strijensas and Lage Zwaluwe, located near the port and industrial estate. A maximum of €150,000 is available annually to distribute across various projects.
More than 500 different plant species occur in the port and industrial area. The animals that live there are also very diverse. Oystercatchers and various seagull species have breeding sites on the green areas and roofs of various companies. Terns breed in the cooling water outlet of Shell Chemicals Park Moerdijk, because there are many young fish there. Birds of prey, foxes and stone martens feast on the food supply and are at the same time natural predators of brown rats and feral racing pigeons. Port of Moerdijk likes to give plants and animals space in the port and industrial area.
As a port authority, we see the importance of 'good neighbourliness'. Economic growth can only go hand-in-hand with strong attention to ecology and the living environment. Our neighbours notice that we are there, also in a positive way. In addition to employment, also the commitment to the environment and quality of life. Paul Dirix, CEO.
Want to live with the certainty that your house will always be sold? In the village of Moerdijk this is not a dream but reality. Thanks to the unique Moerdijk scheme, owners can always sell their home to the municipality, with a sales guarantee of 95% of the appraised value. Nowhere else do homeowners get this certainty. Current and future residents can use this scheme, which makes it even more attractive to buy a home in the village of Moerdijk. Living in the village of Moerdijk is interesting for employees and employers of companies on the Port of Moerdijk site: you have little travel time and live in a beautiful green, quiet area on the Hollandsch Diep. There are various options for buyers and tenants.

Environmental monitor
Since 2000, various authorities and the most environmentally harmful companies in Moerdijk have jointly presented the Environmental Monitor every year. Activities in the aspects of energy, air, water, waste, noise, nuisance and nature are compared with those of previous years.
This provides insight into the influence of business activities around the port and industrial estate on the working and living environment and trends and developments become visible. The environmental monitor shows the results of the implemented sustainability projects and what opportunities still exist.

Limit noise and odor nuisance
Port of Moerdijk does a lot to limit nuisance caused by odor, noise or other sources. We continuously monitor the air quality with around thirty 'e-noses'. They report changes in air quality to the environmental complaints center and to other stations connected to the network. The e-noses are an effective tool for investigating odor complaints and as an early warning system for changes in the air composition.
Noise reduction is also a spearhead. By using the best available techniques in production processes, noise pollution has already been significantly reduced. Even when the port expands, strict noise standards apply.
Despite all the measures, it may happen that you experience nuisance from one of the companies or ships on the port and industrial estate. You can report this to the Central and West Brabant Environmental Service (OMWB) via 013 - 206 05 00.